A Faculty affiliated to USI

Study at ISFI

The Institute offers the full disciplinary curriculum, running a Bachelor, a Research Master as well as a PhD in Philosphy.

The Bachelor programme, the BAF, offered since 2003:

  • is mainly taught in Italian;
  • offers a complete and balanced education in all fields and traditions of philosophy, with a great choice of courses in all of its areas and traditions;
  • maximise career opportunities by offering, on top of its track in Philosophy, four interdisciplinary tracks: economics, literature, theology, and communication, allowing students to pursue master studies in any of the involved disciplines.
  • is particularly distinguished by the continuous interaction between professors and students, thanks to small classes, and the international prestige of its teaching staff, which comes from some of the best universities.

The Master in Philosophy, the MAP, offered since 2017:

  • is research-oriented, aimed at preparing its students for the most demanding PhD programmes around the world;
  • focuses on four core areas: Metaphysics, Philosophy of Mind, Logic, Philosophy of Science;
  • stands out for the international stature of its professors;
  • requires students to submit regular written work, to produce research papers and to develop their presentation and discussion skills;
  • guarantees a personal tutor, who is one of the professors of the Master and provides regular one-on-one tutorials, feedback on written work, and guidance about future academic careers.

The PhD in Philosophy, the PhD.Phil., offered since 2022:

  • allows PhD candidates to be supervised by any of our faculty members, included guest professors;
  • focuses on metaphysics, philosophy of mind, logic, philosophy of physics;
  • does not require mandatory coursework;
  • normally admits students within one of the SNF’s research projects, with a departmental assistantship, or an externally funded scholarship.


The Institute also organizes a yearly summer school, devoted each year to one of the aforementioned four core ares.