Una Facoltà affiliata all'USI

Research at ISFI

Research in the Institute is mainly, though not exclusively, focussed on the four core areas on which the Master and PhD programme are also focussed, namely metaphysics, philosophy of physics, logic and philosophy of mind. As of 2024, the Institute hosts 8 active research projects (seven of which are funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and one by a private foundation) with their collaborators, and around 40 guest professors in the BAF and MAP.

Title Principal Investigator Collaborators Period Funding Body  
Intensionality in Metamathematics Léon Probst  - 09.2024-11.2026 SNF  
Equivalence in Metaphysics Damiano Costa, Claudio Calosi  Joshua Babic, 1 post-doc 05.2024-04.2027 SNF  
Temporal Existence Damiano Costa Andrea Lupo, Lorenzo Lorenzetti, Byron Simmons  07.2023-06.2028 SNF Starting Grant  
Essentialism and Mentalism in Austrian Economics Kevin Mulligan Emma Tieffenbach 11.2022-10.2025 SNF  
Quantum Indeterminacy Cristian Mariani - 10.2022-09.2026 SNF Ambizione  
Value Exploration. The Disquieting Arithmetic of Being Human Alain Pe Curto - 10.2022-09.2024 SNF  
The Genealogy of Modes of Being Kevin Mulligan Paolo Natali 04.2022-03.2025 SNF  
Research Excellence in Philosophy Damiano Costa Kevin Mulligan, Carlo Lottieri, Marco Bassani 01.2022-12.2025 Private foundation  
La tradizione federale svizzera della mediazione Myriam Di Marco - 09.2021-06.2024 Private foundation  
Functions, Relations, and Types Kevin Mulligan Jan Plate 06.2020-09.2022 SNF  
Identity in Cognitive Science, Quantum Mechanics and Metaphysics Kevin Mulligan Robert Michels, Jonas Waechter 08.2019-12.2021 SNF  
Connectives, Predicates, and Priority Kevin Mulligan Jan Plate 06.2017-10.2020 SNF  
Quantities Kevin Mulligan Claudio Calosi, Damiano Costa 08.2016-12.2019 SNF  

The Institute fosters research also through the organization of regular research meetings, from small workshops to large conferences.